
What is Wordle and How to Play the Popular Game?

The online game with words that has conquered Twitter is called Wordle: we explain what it is, how it works and how to play!

If you frequent social networks, especially Twitter, you may have noticed that many of your contacts have started chirping strangely. Small squares of different colors, including green, yellow and gray, accompanied by the word Wordle: nothing strange, it’s just a new web game about words whose popularity has grown dramatically in recent weeks.
< h3>What the word game is and how it works

Wordle is an online game based on words (come on!) Developed by Josh Wardle, a British programmer who had made himself famous in the past for creating the social experiments called Place and The Button for the Reddit platform.

Wordle how to play

How does it work? Each day, a five-letter word is chosen from a list of 2,315 English vocabulary words that players must guess within six attempts. At the end of each attempt, the chosen letter is colored differently depending on how close you are to the result:

Green: if the letter is correct and in the correct position
Yellow: if the letter is correct but not in the correct position
Gray: if the letter is not present in the word at all
The playful concept is inspired by the Lingo game show franchise, but also by the Jotto pen and paper game from 1955.

How It started?

Wordle started out as a private game for Wardle and his wife, Palak Shah. In October 2021 the decision came to make it public after he had noticed the blockbuster received by relatives. In December 2021, it became a viral phenomenon on Twitter, rapidly spreading around the world. To date, it’s one of the most sought-after curiosities on the net, with over 2 million people having at least given it one try.

Any Alternatives?

The closest alternative to Wordle in the NYTimes  games portfolio we may say, is the small puzzle Letter Boxed(more info), it shared similarities with Wordle and can be quick to solve.

What is Wordle and How to Play the Popular Game? Read More »

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel: gameplay trailer for PC, iOS, Android, PlayStation, Switch and Xbox

Konami, during the Jump Festa that took place in Japan, released a new gameplay trailer dedicated to Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel, the new digital card game coming to PC, iOS, Android, PlayStation, Switch and Xbox. You can see the video, in Japanese, above.

Yu-Gi-Oh! Trailer Master Duel shows a number of elements that will be present in the game. We can see some of the cards, stages of the battles and much more. Furthermore, during the Jump party, a long gameplay video was broadcast, also in Japanese, which allows you to see the clashes in full format.

Unfortunately, the language barrier makes it difficult to understand the details of what is happening, but Yu-Gi-Oh! they don’t need too many explanations to notice the details of the clashes. The two videos allow us to understand that all the fundamental elements are in place.

We remind you that currently Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel doesn’t have a release date. However, we do know that the game will also be released in the West, which will include more than 100,000 cards. The resolution will go up to 4K, on ​​platforms that support it.

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel: gameplay trailer for PC, iOS, Android, PlayStation, Switch and Xbox Read More »